Our faculty and staff have received a number of awards and honours in recognition of their excellence and innovation in teaching, research and service.

Charles A. McDowell Award

Recognizing demonstrated excellence in pure or applied scientific research by a young faculty member.

Rankin, Catharine (1993)

Dean of Arts Award

Awarded annually to a faculty member in recognition of exceptional contributions proven to be catalytic and/or transformative.

Eich, Eric (2013)
Tees, Richard (2003)

Dean of Arts Faculty Research Award

These awards allow research faculty one semester to concentrate entirely on research without teaching or administrative duties.

Galea, Liisa (2015)

Dean of Arts Mentorship Award

This award celebrates the generativity of exceptional mentors within the Faculty of Arts. It recognizes faculty members with an outstanding commitment to promoting the academic and personal growth of junior colleagues, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students, and who foster a community that is built of integrity, inclusion and respect.

DeLongis, Anita (2024)

Distinguished University Scholar, UBC

This award recognized exceptional scholarly accomplishments by senior UBC professors who have compiled a substantial body of research.

Eich, Eric (2004)Kingstone, Alan (2004)
Enns, James (2004)Norenzayan, Ara (2023)
Galea, Liisa (2004)Woody, Sheila (2004)
Hall, Geoff (2004)
Heine, Steven (2004)

Jacob Biely Research Prize

An award recognizing UBC’s top researcher.

Werker, Janet (2007)

Killam Faculty Research Fellowship

This fellowship assists faculty members who wish to devote full time to research and study in their field during a recognized study leave.

Alden, Lynn (2007)Johnston, Charlotte (1994)
Chen, Frances (2019)Kingstone, Alan (2004)
Coren, Stanley (1988)Klonsky, David (2017)
Craig, Kenneth (1992-94)Laurin, Kristin (2019)
De Longis, Anita (1993)Lehman, Darrin (1993)
Dunn, Elizabeth (2011)Norenzayan, Ara (2007)
Eich, Eric (1992)Rankin, Catherine (1995)
Enns, James (1993)Rensink, Ron (2005)
Floresco, Stan (2012)Soma, Kiran (2010)
Galea, Liisa (2004)Tees, Richard (1972-73, 1978-79)
Hall, Geoff (2000)Ward, Lawrence (1990)
Heine, Steven (2006)Werker, Janet (1990)
Henrich, Joseph (2012)Woody, Sheila (2005)
Hoppmann, Christiane (1994 and 2020)
Yuille, John (1990)

Killam Faculty Research Prize

These prizes are awarded annually to full-time faculty members in recognition of outstanding research and scholarly contributions.

Alden, Lynn (2012)LeMoult, Joelle (2023)
Baron, Andrew (2018)Lehman, Darrin (2003)
Biesanz, Jeremy (2023)Linden, Wolfgang (2008)
Chandler, Michael (1990)Miller, Greg (2010)
Chapman, Michael (1990)Norenzayan, Ara (2008)
Chen, Edith (2007)Paulhus, Del (2007)
Clark, Luke (2020)Philips, Anthony (1986)
Craig, Kenneth (1991)Rachman, Stanley Jack (1988)
De Longis, Anita (2003)Rankin, Catharine (2004)
Dunn, Elizabeth (2010)Rensink, Ron (2008)
Eich, Eric (2001)Russell, James (1987)
Enns, James (1994)Shariff, Azim (2022)
Floresco, Stan (2009)Schaller, Mark (2006)
Galea, Liisa (2006)Schmader, Toni (2012)
Graf, Peter (1993)Soma, Kiran (2012)
Hall, Geoff (2000)Steiger, Jim (1986)
Hamlin, Kiley (2015)Tracy, Jessica (2011)
Hare, Robert (1988)Walker, Larry (1988)
Heine, Steven (2005)Werker, Janet (1991)
Henrich, Joseph (2009)Wiggins, Jerry (1989)
Hoppmann, Christiane (2014)Winstanley, Catharine (2014)
Johnston, Charlotte (2002)Woody, Sheila (2003)
Kerns, Connor (2021)Xu, Fei (2006)
Kingstone, Alan (2002)Zhao, Jiaying (2020)
Klonsky, David (2020)
Laurin, Kristin (2012)

Killam Teaching Prize for Excellence in Mentorship

This award recognizes outstanding mentorship of numerous graduate students over many years at UBC.

Schmader, Toni (2022)
Soma, Kiran (2020)

Killam Teaching Prize for Excellence in Teaching

This award recognizes teaching excellence of faculty members with at least three years of teaching at UBC.

Alden, Lynn (1993)Giaschi, Deborah (2018)
Assanand, Sunaina (2014)Hall, Geoff (2002)
Barnes, Steven (2016)Rawn, Catherine (2015)
Cheung, Benjamin (2021)Rankin, Catherine (1991)
Craig, Kenneth (2000)Souza, Michael (2013)
Stan Floresco (2020)

Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies – Distinguished Scholar in Residence

Awarded to UBC faculty members to spend one year in residence at the Peter Wall Institute, in a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment.

Chandler, Michael (1999, 2012)Rankin, Catharine (2006)
Craig, Kenneth (2003, 2013)Suedfeld, Peter (2000)
Christoff, Kalina (2017)Ward, Lawrence (2005)

Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies – Early Career Scholar

Awarded to individuals with highly promising records who will appreciate the possibilities of intellectual and interdisciplinary exchange with peers in various areas of research.

Birch, Susan (2005)Henrich, Joseph (2007)
Christoff, Kalina (2005)Hoppmann, Christiane (2011)
Dunn, Elizabeth (2007)Kingstone, Alan (1999)
Hamlin, Kiley (2012)Norenzayan, Ara (2002)
Handy, Todd (2001)Schaller, Mark (2000)
Heine, Steven (2001)

Robert E. Knox Master Teaching Award

This award recognizes our dedicated professors with significant career achievements in teaching.

Alden, Lynn (1992)Goldsmith, Kaitlyn (2021)
Assanand, Sunaina (2008, 2012)Gorzalka, Boris (1989, 2011)
Barnes, Steven (2010, 2012)Hall, Geoff (2000, 2015)
Baron, Andrew (2019)Handy, Todd (2009)
Birch, Susan (2008)Hosking, Jay (2019)
Chen, Frances (2016)King, David (2019)
Cheung, Benjamin (2021)Lam, Mark (2017)
Coren, Stanley (1993, 1996, 2006)Michel, Bethany (2019)
Dunn, Elizabeth (2010)Odic, Darko (2017)
Eich, Eric (1991, 1997)Rawn, Catharine (2014)
Enns, James (2004)Schaller, Mark (2002)
Fergusson, Janel (2016)Scratchley, Linda (2015)
Floresco, Stan (2007)Souza, Michael (2013)
Galea, Liisa (2001)Walker, Larry (1990)

Tara Nash Award for Outstanding Service

In recognition of significant contribution to the Department’s productivity, quality of service, or morale.

Bhanwadia, Farrah (2023)Pijetlovic, Dusko (2010)
Darbel, Kassandra (2024)Rawn, Catharine (2009)
Hoover, Lucille (1998)Shaw, Jaclyn (2015)
Janicki, Jennifer (2005)Smith, Matt (2012)
Leung, Lawron (2021, 2014)Tankurt, Téa (2020)
Martin, Tara (2013)Vockeroth, Bonnie (2017)
Zhu, Linda (2018)

UBC Alumni Award for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

An award to honour accomplished members of the UBC community.

Heine, Steven (2005)Walker, Larry (1988)
Lehman, Darrin (1994)Werker, Janet (1990)
Russel, James

UBC Arts Undergraduate Society and Alma Mater Society

Awarded to individuals that have gone above and beyond to serve the staff and students of their constituency.

Suedfeld, Peter (2001 Just Desserts Award)

UBC Health Innovation Funding Investment Award

Clark, Luke (2021)
Emberson, Lauren (2022)
Floresco, Stan (2021)
Galea, Liisa (2021)
Giaschi, Deborah (2022)
Im, Hee Yeon (2022)
Todd, Rebecca (2021)
Werker, Janet (2022)

UBC Institute of Mental Health

Eich, Eric (2002 Founding Fellow)

University Killam Professorship

Werker, Janet (2016)

UBC Science Co-op Supervisor Recognition Award

Kim, Eric (2021)
Palombo, Daniela (2021)

Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research

Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The Academy is one of most prestigious honorary societies in the US and a leading center for independent policy research.

Werker, Janet (2014 Fellow)

American Academy of Optometry

Coren, Stanley (1976 Fellow)

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Eich, Eric (2018 Fellow)
Soma, Kiran (2015 Fellow)
Werker, Janet (2006 Fellow)

American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology

Coren, Stanley (1992 Fellow)

American Association of Suicidology: Edwin S. Shneidman Award

The award is recognizes individuals who have made outstanding research contributions in the field of suicidology early in their careers.

Klonsky, David (2015)

American Pain Society

Jeffrey Lawson Award for Advocacy in Children's Pain Relief

Craig, Kenneth (2002)

American Psychological Association

Chandler, Michael (2017 Mentor Award)Mikami, Amori (2005 Award, Division 53)
Coren, Stanley (1988 Fellow)Miller, Greg (2004 Award)
Craig, Kenneth (1995, 1981 Fellow)Norenzayan, Ara (2014 Fellow)
Floresco, Stan (2010 Award)Schaller, Mark (2010 Fellow)
Heine, Steven (2003 Award)Sin, Nancy (2019 Springer Early Career Achievement Award)
Hoppmann, Christiane (2012 Award)Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)
Johnston, Charlotte (2011 Fellow)Tees, Richard (1989 Fellow)
Kim, Eric (2020 Springer Early Career Achievement Award)Walker, Lawrence (2001 Fellow)
Klonsky, David (2010 Fellow)Ward, Lawrence (Fellow)
Linden, Wolfgang (2001 Fellow)

American Psychological Foundation and the Society of Clinical Psychology

Theodore Blau Early Career Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Clinical Psychology.

Klonsky, David (2010)

American Psychological Society

Tees, Richard (1990 Fellow)

Animal Behavior Society

Outstanding Children’s Book Award for “Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?

Coren, Stanley (2007)

Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology

Alden, Lynn (2015 Fellow)

Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

Johnston, Charlotte (2013 Trailblazer Award)

Association for Moral Education

Walker, Lawrence (1994 Kuhmerker Career Award & 2019 Kohlberg Memorial Lecturer)

Association for Psychological Science

Alden, Lynn (2012 Fellow)LeMoult, Joelle (2017 Rising Star)
Baron, Andrew (2013 Rising Star)Mikami, Amori (2011 Rising Star)
Biesanz, Jeremy (2018 Fellow)Norenzayan, Ara (2014-2015 James McKeen Cattell Fund Sabbatical Fellowship)
Coren, Stanley (1988 Fellow)Ordic, Darko (2019 Rising Star)
Galea, Liisa (2012 James McKeen Cattell Fund Sabbatical Fellowship)Palombo, Daniela (2018 Rising Star)
Hall, Geoffrey (2012 Fellow)Schaller, Mark (2007 Fellow)
Hamlin, Kiley (2014 Janet Taylor Spence Award, 2015 Rising Star)Soma, Kiran (2017 James McKeen Cattell Fund Sabbatical Fellowship)
Heine, Steven (2009 Fellow)Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)
Johnston, Charlotte (2011 Fellow)Tees, Richard (1993 Fellow)
Kim, Eric (2019 Rising Star) Tracy, Jessica (2017 Fellow)
Kingstone, Alan (2007 Fellow)Ward, Lawrence (APS Fellow)
Klonsky, David (2011 Rising Star)Werker, Janet (2019 William James Fellow Award, 2005-2009 Fellow)
Laurin, Kristin (2017 Rising Star, 2018 Janet Taylor Spence Award)

BCcampus Award for Excellence in Open Education

Lolliot, Simon (2023)

Benjamin Franklin Institute Medal

Werker, Janet (2024 Computer and Cognitive Science)

British Columbia Psychological Association

For outstanding contributions to the knowledge-base of psychology.

Craig, Kenneth (1987 Park O. Davidson Award)

British Psychological Association

Rachman, Stanley Jack (2009 Lifetime Achievement Award)

Canada Council for the Arts - Killam Prize in Social Sciences

The Killam Prize recognizes Canadian scientists whose lifetime of work has impacted the lives of Canadians and people around the world.

Werker, Janet (2018)

Canada Research Chair

Hamlin, Kiley (2011-2016)Schmader, Toni (2011-2016 & 2014-2019)
Henrich, Joseph (2006 & 2007)Shariff, Azim (2018 Canada 150 Research Chair)
Hoppmann, Christiane (2013)Werker, Janet (2001-2007 & 2008-2013 & 2015-2021)
Mikami, Amori (2024)Zhao, Jiaying (2014)

Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Craig, Kenneth (2019 Fellow)

Canadian Honours Gold Medal

The Polar Medal recognizes those who have contributed to a greater understanding of Canada’s northern communities and its people.

Suedfeld, Peter (2016)

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

Henrich, Joseph (2010 Fellow)
Werker, Janet (2004-2020 Fellow)

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Senior Investigator Award

Craig, Kenneth (2000-2007)

New Investigator Award

Snyder, Jason (2013)
Tracy, Jessica (2010)
Winstanley, Catharine (2008)

Canadian Pain Society

Craig, Kenneth (2012 Outstanding Pain Mentorship Award, Distinguished Career Award)

Canadian Psychiatric Association

Coren, Stanley (1992 Outstanding Research Award)

Canadian Psychological Association

Alden, Lynn (1994 Fellow)Linden, Wolfgang (2018 Senior Investigator Award: Health Section, 2001 Fellow)
Cameron, Ann (1996 Fellow)Phillips, Anthony (1995 Donald O. Hebb Award)
Coren, Stanley (1980 Fellow)Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow, 2015 Distinguished Contributions Award, 2011 Gold Medal Award, 1996 Donald O. Hebb Award)
Craig, Kenneth (2008 Gold Medal Award, 2002 Donald O. Hebb Award, 1996 & 1991 Distinguished Contributions Award)Tees, Richard (1983 Fellow)
Götz, Friedrich (2024 President’s New Researcher Award)Walker, Lawrence (1994 Fellow)
Hare, Robert (2015 Gold Medal Award, 2010 Donald O. Hebb Award, 2009 Distinguished Contributions Award)Ward, Lawrence (CPA Fellow)
Hewitt, Paul (2014 Fellow, Clinical section)Werker, Janet (1996 Fellow)
Hewitt, Paul (2017 Fellow, 2018 Donald O. Hebb Award)Woody, Sheila (2014 Fellow)
Johnston, Charlotte (2004-2005 Fellow)

Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science

Awarded to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the study of brain, behaviour, and cognitive science.

Enns, James (2013 Donald O. Hebb Distinguished Contribution Award)
Graf, Peter (2014 Richard C. Tees Distinguished Leadership Award)
Kingstone, Alan (2020 Donald O. Hebb Distinguished Contribution Award)
Palombo,Daniela (2023 Vincent Di Lollo Early Career Award)
Tees, Richard (2004 Richard C. Tees Distinguished Leadership Award)

CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar

Laurin, Kristin (2017)

Cognitive Science Society

Werker, Janet (2013 Fellow)

David Shakow Early Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Clinical Psychology

This award recognizes individuals who have made noteworthy contributions both to science and to practice of clinical psychology.

Klonsky, David (2011)
Woody, Sheila (2000)

European Association of Social Psychology Theory-Innovation Award

Schmader, Toni (2020-2021)

International Academy of Astronautics

Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)

International Association for the Study of Pain

Craig, Kenneth (2013 Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award, 2010 Honorary Member)

International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 2012

Galea, Liisa (2012 Fellow)

International Behavioral and Neural Genetics Society Distinguished Investigator Award

Rankin, Catherine (2023)

International Biographical Association

Designated as one of the “2000 Outstanding Scientists of the Twentieth Century”

Coren, Stanley (2000)

International Positive Dog Training Association

Coren, Stanley (2006 and 2007 Writer of the Year)

International Social Cognition Network (ISCON)

Early Career Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Study of Social Cognition

Laurin, Kristin (2017)

International Society of Political Psychology

Suedfeld, Peter (2005 Roberta Sigel Award, 2001 Harold D. Lasswell Award)

International Society of Self and Identity

Heine, Steve (2002 Early Career Award)
Tracy, Jessica (Early Career Award)

Jacobs Foundation

Odic, Darko (2021-2023 Fellow)

Library Association of British Columbia

For best nonfiction children’s book “Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?”

Coren, Stanley (2009 Red Cedar Book Award)

Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Early Career Award in Social and Behavioral Gerontology

An award honouring an international scientist who has significantly contributed to the field of gerontology already at an early stage of his or her career.

Hoppmann, Christiane (2012)

Mather Institute

The Innovative Research on Aging Award (bronze award).

DeLongis, Anita (2020)
Sin, Nancy (2020)

Maxwell Medal of Excellence

Awarded from the Dog Writers Association of America in recognition of Professor Coren’s book “Born to Bark” and his educational blog Canine Corner.

Coren, Stanley (2012, 2014)

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research

The Scholar Award identifies and develops outstanding BC health researchers who are within five years from the start of their first institutional appointment as an independent investigator.

Chandler, Michael (2001)Kerns, Connor (2021)
Chen, Edith (2003)Kim, Eric (2020)
Chen, Francis (2022)Kingstone, Alan (2001)
Christoff, Kalina (2006)LeMoult, Joelle (2018)
Dawson, Samantha (2021)Sin, Nancy (2020)
Floresco, Stan (2002 and 2008)Snyder, Jason (2014)
Galea, Liisa (2006)Tracy, Jessica (2008)
Galea, Liisa (2019 and 2022)Winstanley, Catharine (2008)
Hoppmann, Christiane (2012)

National Center for Responsible Gambling (NCRG)

Awarded the Scientific Achievement Award for his contributions to the field of research on gambling disorder.

Clark, Luke (2015)

New York Academy Sciences

Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)


Rankin, Catharine (1987, 1990 Research Fellow)

Order of Canada

Craig, Kenneth (2015)
Hare, Robert (2011)
Werker, Janet (2017)

Pickering Centre for Research in Human Development

Werker, Janet (2017)

Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal

A commemorative medal served to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.

Suedfeld, Peter (2012)

Royal Canadian Geographical Society

Suedfeld, Peter (2018 Burpee Medal)
Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)

Royal Society of Canada Fellow

Coren, Stanley (1999)Norenzayan, Ara (2020)
Enns, James (2002)Rachman, Stanley Jack (1989)
Eich, Eric (2003)Suedfeld, Peter (1988)
Heine, Steve (2016)Werker, Janet (1996)
Kingstone, Alan (2012)Winstanley, Catherine (2020)

Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Dunn, Elizabeth (2015)
Hamlin, Kiley (2018)

Social Science and Humanities Research Council

The Gold Medal is SSHRC’s highest research honour. It is awarded to an individual whose sustained leadership, dedication and originality of thought have inspired students and colleagues alike.

Werker, Janet (2015 Gold Medal Award)

The Connection Award recognizes an outstanding SSHRC-funded initiative to facilitate the flow and exchange of research knowledge within and/or beyond the academic community.

Dunn, Elizabeth (2014 and 2015 Impact Connection Award Finalist)

Society of Behavioral Medicine

Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)

Society of Experimental Psychology

Enns, James (Fellow)

Society of Experimental Social Psychology

Heine, Steve (2001 Fellow, 2011 Career Trajectory Award)
Norenzayan, Ara (2006 Fellow)
Schaller, Mark (2009 Fellow)
Schmader, Toni (2009 Fellow)
Suedfeld, Peter (Fellow)
Tracy, Jessica (Career Trajectory Award recipient)

Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology

Biesanz, Jeremy (2006 Cattell Early Career Research Award)

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Dunn, Elizabeth (2014 Fellow)Paulhus, Del (2011 Fellow)
Heine, Steve (2008 Fellow)Schaller, Mark (2009 Fellow)
Laurin, Kristin (2018 SAGE Young Scholars Award)Schmader, Toni (2012 Fellow, 2018 Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize)
Norenzayan, Ara (2011 Fellow, 2017 Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize)

Society for Philosophy and Psychology

Hamlin, Kiley (2018 Stanton Award)

Society for the Psychology Study of Social Issues

Awarded the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Award.

Schaller, Mark (2013 Fellow)

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)

The 3M National Teaching Fellowship recognizes exceptional teachers in post-secondary education.

Barnes, Steven (2019)

Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division 2 of the American Psychological Association)

Rawn, Catherine (2017 Early Career Award)

US National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

In recognition of her distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.

Werker, Janet (2020)

US National Science Foundation – Antarctica Service Medal and Certificate

In recognition of antarctic exploration and research.

Suedfeld, Peter (1994)

YWCA Women of Distinction Award in Technology, Science and Research

Galea, Liisa (2015)

Zachor Award of the Parliament of Canada

For contributions to Canadian society by survivors of the Holocaust.

Suedfeld, Peter (2000)

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