UBC is a big place, which means a lot of opportunities and resources exist, but it can be challenging to know how to navigate them. Advisors are here to help.
Faculty of Arts Advising
A large team of Arts Academic Advisors supports the academic success of the Faculty’s 14,000 undergraduate students.
From the point of admission, Advising provides programs and services to help you make informed and thoughtful decisions about your academic path throughout your degree program. They know a lot of details about a lot of courses and programs, scholarships and other opportunities across the Faculty of Arts, and can help you customize your degree. If you are experiencing challenges, and need academic concession or standing deferred status, they can help you. We recommend seeking support from Arts Advisors.
Faculty of Science Advising
Science Academic Advising offers additional support for remaining students in the BSc in Behavioural Neuroscience program.
Science Advising can connect you with resources to help you cope with extenuating circumstances, or if you have questions about applying for a minor or program requirements. They know a lot of details about a lot of courses and programs, scholarships and other opportunities across the Faculty of Science, and can help you customize your degree. If you are experiencing challenges, and need academic concession or standing deferred status, they can help you. We recommend seeking support from Science Advisors.
Psychology Advising
Our Department has over 3,600 BA Psychology Majors and BSc Behavioural Neuroscience Majors, and a few hundred Minors, who are just some of the 35,000 students who take psychology courses each year.
We have developed some self-paced resources, as well as organized a small team of Psychology Advisors to support you, each with different specializations.
Self-paced Resources
Seeking a quick answer? View our FAQs page to see if your question has already been answered.
Have a question about the Honours program? View our Honours FAQs!
The Psychology Student Guide has been created on Canvas as a resource hub for all Psychology and Behavioural Neuroscience Majors and Minors. Explore the extensive information organized in Modules, and reach out to fellow majors. Join today!
Registration-Related Advising
Book an appointment for Technical Advising if you have checked the FAQs page and have questions about your psychology degree requirements.
In-person Advising is available via pre-booked appointments (Tuesday-Friday 10:00 am—12:00 pm and 2:00—4:00 pm).
Please send an email booking request to undergrad@psych.ubc.ca, including your student number and reason for appointment.
Jennifer Janicki is the Associate Director of the Undergraduate Program.
Joyce Lai is the Undergraduate Program Assistant.
Big Picture Advising
Book an appointment with one of the following advisors if you have questions like…
- What might I do with my psychology degree?
- What should I do to prepare for graduate school in psychology?
- What area of psychology should I focus on in my studies?
- How can I get more involved in psychological research?
- and others.
Dr. Benjamin Cheung invites advising appointments from all students, particularly Indigenous Students. To set up an appointment, email bycheung@psych.ubc.ca.
Dr. Jill Dosso invites advising appointments from all students, Psychology or otherwise. She particularly welcomes questions from students from rural communities, students balancing their studies with parenting or other caregiving responsibilities, and students pursuing qualitative, mixed-methods, or interdisciplinary work within Psychology. To set up an appointment, email jill.dosso@ubc.ca.
Dr. Jay Hosking invites advising appointments from all students, Psychology or otherwise. Jay is also the advisor for the BSc Behavioural Neuroscience program, and can also advise regarding PSYC courses with a 60-89 in the last two digits. Jay also welcomes questions about switching career tracks, next steps in your career trajectory, being a first-generation scholar, having “a life” while being successful in your academics, and general questions of post-degree existential dread (e.g. “What now?”). Dr. Hosking is not booking appointments at this time.
Dr. David King invites advising appointments from all Psychology Majors, especially those who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+, those experiencing loss/bereavement, and those interested in a pursuing studies in health psychology or related disciplines. Dr. King is not booking appointments at this time.
Dr. Andrew Rivers invites advising appointments from all Psychology Majors and Minors, especially transfer students interested in discussing that experience. To set up an appointment, please visit the following link: https://andrewrivers.youcanbook.me/.
Dr. Eva Zysk invites advising appointments from all Psychology Majors and Minors, especially those interested in discussing barriers to academic success, issues of disability, and transfer of employable skills. Dr. Zysk is not booking appointments at this time.
Advisor Bios
Dr.Benjamin Cheung is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology and the Asian Canadian and Asian Migration (ACAM) program. He is also a faculty affiliate with the Hong Kong Studies Initiative in the Department of Asian Studies. As such, he cares deeply about equity issues in society and works hard to support racialized students in general. He primarily teaches about research methods (PSYC 217), cultural psychology (PSYC 307), social psychology (PSYC 308A), Asian diasporic health (ACAM 320B), and Hong Kong diaspora (ASIX 300A). He is also the Indigenous Initiatives Coordinator in the Department of Psychology. In that capacity, he works on initiatives to incorporate and centre Indigenous perspectives in psychology and coordinates with the Arts Indigenous Student Advising Office to support Indigenous students studying psychology. He has also been at UBC since he was an undergraduate student! If you want to chat about being a UBC student, equity issues, experiences as a racialized individual, or issues centring Indigeneity, please get in touch!
Dr. Jill Dosso is a Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, teaching courses on the biological and cognitive aspects of the field. She recently completed a postdoctoral fellowship at UBC and BC Children’s Hospital, where she studied patient experiences with emerging technologies like social robotics, generative AI, and health wearables. Jill also holds a PhD in Neuroscience from UBC, where she studied human attention in real and online environments. Jill first came to the university environment from a small town in Saskatchewan, and is happy to support students navigating similar life transitions. She would also love to work with students who are parents (or who wonder about becoming parents within the academic context), students who care for family elders, and students interested in qualitative, mixed-methods, or interdisciplinary work within Psychology.
Dr. Jay Hosking is a Lecturer in the Department of Psychology. His Ph.D. is in Neuroscience, and his courses skew toward the neurobiological bases of behaviour and cognition: e.g. PSYC304 Brain & Behaviour, PSYC301 Brain Dysfunction and Recovery, PSYC207 Drugs, Brain, and Society, PSYC101 Intro to Psychology – Biological and Cognitive. Jay is also the Advisor for the Behavioural Neuroscience program. As such, any advising questions related to interest in neuroscience, or neuroscience-adjacent career paths or schooling, are most welcome. Jay is also a first-generation scholar and is glad to advise other first-generation scholars who are navigating the hidden social, economic, and emotional aspects of their post-secondary career trajectory. Jay also substantially switched specializations/careers as an adult and is glad to speak on topics related to changing specializations, taking on new career paths, and the general existential dread of “What now?” that looms as graduation approaches. Finally, with a Masters in Fine Art in Creative Writing and a diploma in Music Industry Arts: Recorded Music Production, Jay is happy to advocate for the importance of balance, other interests, artistic pursuits, and consilience in your degree and beyond. Please get in touch if you have any questions related to these, or other, topics!
Dr. David King is a Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, leading courses in personality, health, the psychology of sex differences and gender, and the psychology of death and dying. He received his Ph.D. from UBC in 2013, with a specialization in health psychology, and holds an MSc in statistical modelling from Trent University. Much of his research has looked at how people manage stress in relational contexts, including how they mitigate large-scale threats like COVID-19. In his role as Undergraduate Advisor, he is interested in helping students maximize their time and potential at UBC. To this end, he is especially passionate about supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ students and members of the queer community (to which he also belongs) as well as those dealing with loss and grief, reflecting his interests in social justice, equity, and inclusion, and end-of-life matters. For those dealing with loss specifically, there are support services available on and off campus that David can recommend. Regarding career-related inquiries, all are welcome, but those seeking advice on careers in health psychology and health-related fields in particular may benefit from David’s guidance. Given his background in stress and coping, he is also happy to offer general advice on stress management.
Dr. Andrew Rivers is a faculty lecturer (frequently teaching PSYC 102, 217, 218, & 308A). My experiences include being a transfer student during undergraduate studies as well as feeling uncertain about what to do with an undergraduate degree in psychology. Because of this uncertainty during and after my undergraduate years, I have significant work experience both inside and outside of the academic world. Within the academic world, I have a Ph.D. in Social Psychology with a minor in Quantitative Psychology and primarily research the influence of racial stereotypes through mathematical modeling. Although teaching is my most important work today, I still have an ear in the research world and feel comfortable talking with students about graduate studies in psychology. Outside the academic world, Andrew has held several positions which may be of interest to students. After undergraduate studies, I used my skills in statistics to work at a non-profit organization researching educational programs. I used my background in psychology to work at an organization helping to improve clinical psychological practice across Washington State. This included working with social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinical administrators to evaluate the effectiveness of their approaches and help introduce new approaches already shown to be efficacious. In this role, I worked with public mental health agencies, private providers, and First Nations mental health providers.
Dr. Eva Zysk is a Lecturer in the Department of Psychology. Eva graduated from UBC with a Major in Psychology and a Minor in Biology. While at UBC, she gained research experience by completing a directed studies course through the Infancy Lab, and working as a research assistant for a Psychoneuroimmunology Lab and a research coordinator for a Clinical Psychology Lab. This experience led her directly into a PhD program in the UK. Eva has since taught at universities in the UK and Canada and has received two teaching awards for innovative and outstanding teaching. Her research areas lay in mental health (e.g., treatment of contamination fears in OCD, virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder) and student success (e.g., conquering presentation assessment fears). Eva is happy to share her experiences—alongside her advice for conquering inevitable hiccups students may face during their undergraduate, postgraduate, career-seeking, and/or living abroad journeys! In her role as a Psychology Undergraduate Advisor, Eva is passionate about supporting students with disabilities or physical or mental hardships, and students facing internal and external barriers to success (e.g., motivation, academic skills). Additionally, she is keen to help students attain transferable and employable skills. Eva has experience with motivational interviewing and coaching approaches which she can apply when useful, but you can mostly expect a friendly helpful chat and Q&A during her advising hours. You are welcome to book Eva’s advising hours with other questions or topics of discussion!
Associate Head, Undergraduate Affairs
Catherine Rawn
Associate Director, Undergraduate Program
Jennifer Janicki
Curriculum Committee Chair
Stan Floresco
Honours Program, honours@psych.ubc.ca
James Enns
For advising, student information requests, scheduling and scholarships contact undergrad@psych.ubc.ca.