Silvain Dang | Clinical Program The Effect of Chronic Adolescent Cannabinoid Exposure on Adult Sexual Behaviour Committee: C. Brenner D. Klonsky B. Gorzalka (supervisor) A copy of the thesis is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: The “Good Dyad”: examining the impact of personality and behavior on dyadic accuracy in first impressions Committee: J. Biesanz (supervisor) A. Delongis T. Schmader
Title: Thinking about time as money decreases environmental behavior Committee: E. Dunn (supervisor) J. Zhao M. Schaller
Title: The effect of eye contact on memory task performance Committee: Alan Kingstone (supervisor) Rebecca Todd Frances Chen
Title: Words as invitations to name contrasts Committee: D. G. Hall (supervisor) J. Werker (chair) F. Chen
Title: The chronic disease concept of addiction: helpful or harmful? Committee: L. Walker (supervisor) D. Klonsky S. Heine
Title: Personal internet technology and well-being Committee: T. Schmader (Chair) E. Dunn (supervisor) J. Zhao
Title: Children’s and adults’ understanding of the identity and persistence of artifacts Committee: D. G. Hall (supervisor) J. Werker A. Baron T. Handy
Title: Win-paired cues motivate risky decision-making on a rodent gambling task Committee: C. Winstanley (supervisor) L. Galea J. Snyder (chair)
Title: Large-scale brain network dynamics and functions Committee: K. Christoff (supervisor) J. Werker R. Todd