Title: Thinking about time as money decreases environmental behavior Committee: E. Dunn (supervisor) J. Zhao M. Schaller
Title: Words as invitations to name contrasts Committee: D. G. Hall (supervisor) J. Werker (chair) F. Chen
Title: Effects of motivational intensity on maternal cognitions Committee: Mikami (chair) C. Johnston (supervisor) E. Eich
Title: The chronic disease concept of addiction: helpful or harmful? Committee: L. Walker (supervisor) D. Klonsky S. Heine
Title: The factor structure of schizotypy and its relationship to social functioning Committee: C. Brenner (supervisor) D. Klonsky (chair) P. Graf
Title: Win-paired cues motivate risky decision-making on a rodent gambling task Committee: C. Winstanley (supervisor) L. Galea J. Snyder (chair)
Title: Muscarinic receptor contributions to cost/benefit decision-making on the rat gambling task Committee: C. Rankin (chair) C. Brenner C. Winstanley (supervisor)
Title: The impact of daily occupational stress on sleep among shift workers: social support as a buffer. Committee: F. Chen (Chair) A. DeLongis C. Hoppmann
Title: Associations between perceived support in older adult marriages and dyadic covariations in momentary affect and aches. Committee: C. Hoppmann (supervisor) A. DeLongis (chair) F. Chen
Title: Re-engaging with reading material after a mind wandering episode Committee: Alan Kingstone (supervisor) Todd Handy (chair) Toni Schmader