Title: Perfectionism, Process, and Outcome in Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Mood and Anxiety Disorders Committee: Amori Mikami (Chair) Paul Hewitt Frances Chen
Title: Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Motion Perception in Typical Development and Amblyopia Committee: Todd Handy (chair) Deborah Giaschi Darko Odic A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: The Mating/Parenting Trade-off: Evidence and Implications Committee: Mark Schaller (Research Supervisor) Jessica Tracy (Research Supervisor) Anita DeLongis
Title: Children’s and Adults’ Understanding of the Persistence of Individual Artifacts Committee: Geoffrey Hall (Research Supervisor) Andrew Baron Todd Handy Susan Birch A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Each year the Department of Psychology invites prospective graduate students to visit UBC’s Vancouver campus. During recruitment weekend, students are given an overview of the UBC Psychology graduate program and our research areas. Additionally, individual meetings are scheduled for students to meet with faculty members and prospective supervisors who share their research interests. Students also […]
Title: Associations between Maternal Executive Functions and Parenting Behavior: Are they Moderated by Parental Socialization Goals? Committee: Joelle LeMoult (Chair) Charlotte Johnston (Research Supervisor) Mark Schaller A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Attentional Trade-Offs under Resource Scarcity Committee: Peter Graf (Chair) Jiaying Zhao (Research Supervisor) Luke Clark A copy of the thesis is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Belief in Karma: The Content and Correlates of Supernatural Justice Beliefs across Cultures Commitee: Kristin Laurin (Chair) Mark Schaller (Research Supervisor) Ara Norenzayan (Research Supervisor) A copy of the thesis is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: The Bright and Dark Sides of Personality, Job Performance, and Imbalanced Leadership in Managers Committee: Lawrence Walker Wolfgang Linden Susan Birch A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Trading Cents for Seconds: The Happiness Benefits of Choosing Time over Money Committee: Elizabeth Dunn Mark Schaller A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.