Catherine Rawn
UBC’s Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic has appointed Dr. Catherine Rawn as the Provost Office Fellow, Faculty in Online Learning.
This fellowship and another fellowship, Provost Office Fellow, Students in Online Learning, were created in response to UBC’s sudden move to online teaching and learning in the wake of COVID-19. Kieran Forde, a PhD student in the faculty of education is the Provost Office Fellow, Students.
In the fellow role, Rawn works directly with Simon Bates, Associate Provost, Teaching and Learning to support UBC-wide efforts to adapt teaching and learning during summer 2020 and through Academic Year 2020/21. This work includes identifying best practices for courses across disciplines that are not easily offered online and advocating for faculty support and professional development.
“This position exists because we are living in a global pandemic. I am honoured to be working in this role, where I can help support and advocate for colleagues across campus – and, by extension, our students – as we all engage in the difficult work of reimagining what it means to teach and learn at UBC.”
Dr. Rawn is a Professor of Teaching in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. She specializes in teaching and educational leadership, and serves as Chair of Curriculum Committees at both the Faculty of Arts and Psychology Department levels. She has a long history of cross-disciplinary faculty professional development and advocacy, including extensive experience in workshop facilitation (e.g., Instructional Skills Workshop), formative and summative peer review of teaching, as co-creator of the Educational Leadership Network, and as the Arts/Commerce Academic Leader for the International Faculty Development Program for Teaching Excellence (Faculty of Education, 2019/20).
Dr. Rawn has been teaching at UBC since 2008. Before that, she earned a BA from Waterloo as well as an MA and PhD from UBC in Social/Personality Psychology.