Program Outcomes

Learn about the clinical psychology program’s research productivity, and licensure and employment data.

Reflecting our emphasis on clinical science, graduate students in the clinical program are successful in research. On average, our current graduate students in clinical psychology publish two papers a year, and they author and co-author three professional conference presentations each year.

Excluding students who are on residency, 22 (67%) currently hold competitive external research fellowships, and all students but one are current recipients of competitive university fellowships.

At the time of graduation, 100% of our graduates in the past five years had at least one publication, and 100% had presented their research at a professional conference at least once.

Academic Year2017-182018-192019-202020-212021-222022-232023-24
Total Full-Time Students39373640414139
Total Part-Time Students0000000
Total Number of Students (Automatically Calculated)39373640414139
Age Range23-3623-3723-3623-3622-38N/A24-36
Self-Identify as Diverse (ie,
minority, disability, LGBTQ)
Co/Authors of Papers at
Professional/Scientific Meetings
Co/Authors of Articles in
Referred Journals
Members/Affiliates in
Professional/Scientific Societies
Teaching Assistantship18202125191920
Research Assistantship13171316332823
External Scholarship/Fellowship14121414181826
Internal Scholarship/Fellowship13111715151335
Worked more than 20 Hours/week0000000
Withdrew from Programme0010000

Of 26 recent graduates from our program, 21 are already registered as psychologists and the remainder are in process. None has been unsuccessful in seeking registration.

Eleven of 19 recent graduates from our program are employed in settings that involve at least some research activity (most of these also include clinical service provision). Seven were employed in clinical positions or have opened a private practice, and one works in the technology industry.

Graduates from our program have gone on to hold faculty positions both in Canada (e.g., Concordia University, Dalhousie University, Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, York University, University of Toronto) and abroad (e.g., Texas Tech University, Wesleyan University).

In addition, other recent graduates hold positions outside of universities that nevertheless involve a significant amount of scholarly activity. These positions include hospital-based jobs in mental health units that have a dual mission of research and clinical service such as BC Women’s and Children’s Hospital, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Stanford University School of Medicine.

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