Gain the knowledge and skills to help advance clinical psychological science.
As a clinical science program, we value research efforts and practice directed toward:
- the promotion of adaptive functioning
- assessment, understanding, amelioration, and prevention of human problems in behaviour, affect, cognition or health
- the application of knowledge in ways consistent with scientific evidence
- social justice advocacy as it relates to the field of clinical psychology.
We strive to incorporate core values of equity, diversity, and inclusion into all aspects of our work including research, teaching, practice, and the environment in which faculty and students work. As a program, we are dedicated to promoting mutual respect, understanding, fairness, and inclusion through constructive dialogue and equitable policies and procedures. We seek to respect and value visible and invisible differences that include identities such as race, ethnicity, heritage, culture, age, religion, sexual and gender diversity, disability status, social class, or language. Finally, we view our responsibility as clinical psychologists to include actively challenging the societal structures and barriers that perpetuate mental health disparities and inequities to services.