Title: Exploring the Role of Cartoony Faces in Cognition Committee: Alan Kingstone (Research Supervisor) Rebecca Todd Jessica Tracy
Title: The Nature of Infants’ Early Object Word Comprehension Committee: Geoff Hall (Supervisor) Janet Werker Frances Chen Kiley Hamlin
Stressed about final projects? Having a hard time sleeping? Is your mind spinning out of control? Take 1 hour out of your day to relax at our FREE meditation session on Thursday November 22nd from 12-1 in Kenny Rm 2101. Some rest and relaxation might be exactly what you need right now. The session will […]
Title: The Neurobiologial Bases of Infants’ Sensitivity to Sociomoral Scenarios Committee: Kiley Hamlin (Research Supervisor) Janet Werker Alan Kingstone
Title: The Nature, Development and Implications of the “Curse of Knowledge” in Childhood Committee: Sue Birch (Research Supervisor) Kiley Hamlin Peter Graf
Title: Young Children’s Social and Moral Evaluations of Third-party Helpers and Hinderers Committee: Kiley Hamlin (Research Supervisor) Andy Baron Ara Norenzayan
Psychology graduate students and faculty are invited to attend a workshop on adjudicating fellowships in our department.
Are you concerned about the carbon footprint of academic travel? Drs. Lauren Emberson and Rebecca Todd invite you to join Academics Concerned about Academic Travel.