Title: Understanding East-West Disparities and Similarities in Sexuality Committee: Eric Eich Boris Gorzalka Todd Handy
Title: The Alienated Perfectionist: How the Quest for Perfection Impairs Interpersonal Satisfaction Committee: Paul Hewitt (Supervisor) Susan Birch Frances Chen
Title: The Bright and Dark Sides of Personality and Job Performance in Managers Committee: Larry Walker (Research Supervisor) Jessica Tracy Wolfgang Linden
Title: The Mating/Parenting Trade-off: Evidence and Implications Committee: Jessica Tracy (Chair) Mark Schaller Steve Heine
Title: The Role of Nucleus accumbens Sub-regions and Related Circuits in Aversively-motivated Behavior Committee: Cathy Rankin (Chair) Stan Floresco Catharine Winstanley Todd Handy
Title Alone need not be lonely: Correlates and consequences of solitude among Chinese and Canadian adults Committee Anita DeLongis (Chair) Christiane Hoppmann Peter Graf
Title: Psychological Theories as Marionettes: How Measurement Shapes Theory in Psychological Science Committee: Elizabeth Dunn (Chair) Jessica Tracy David Klonsky
Title: Exchanging Cents for Seconds: The Happiness Benefits of Choosing Time over Money Committee: Anita DeLongis (Chair) Elizabeth Dunn (Research Supervisor) Mark Schaller
Title: The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Self-Relevance on Attention for Objects Committee: Sheila Woody (Chair) Todd Handy (Research Supervisor) Rebecca Todd
Title: The Causality of Moral Judgments: New Insights into the Reasoning versus Intuition Debate Committee: Alan Kingstone (Chair) Jessica Tracy Kiley Hamlin