Colloquium with Dr. Regan Gurung

Thursday January 12, 2017
12:30 PM - 1:50 PM



Dr. Regan Gurung, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay


Cultivating Learning: Capitalizing on Psychological Science


gurung_covercropWhat are the best ways to increase student learning? While there are numerous opinions to answer this question, there is also a rich body of evidence-based techniques that educators can rely on. We now know the most important predictors of learning. We now have a sense of practices that have high impact.  Numerous disciplines now conduct educational research and higher education has begun to incorporate these findings back into the classroom.  Both cognitive factors such as mindset, and non cognitive factors such as class design may influence learning. In this presentation, I provide a metaphor for optimizing learning that capitalizes on research on teaching and learning. I will provide pragmatic tips to change student learning and improve teaching while highlighting important factors influencing learning.VIDEO


Regan Gurung‘s research focuses on social and personality psychology. His current work investigates ways to diffuse objectification and sexism, increase health, and fitness, and increase learning.



Annually the Department of Psychology hosts a Colloquia Series throughout the academic year.