Dr. Ted Beauchaine, Professor of Psychology, Ohio State University.
Environmental adversity and suicidal behaviors in adult men and preadolescent girls with ADHD: Implications for prevention
For many years, suicide rates have been highest among adult men. Although this continues to be the case, suicides have increased 300% in the past 15 years among 10- to 14-year-old girls. Despite high and increasing rates of suicidal behaviors among men and girls, however, predicting suicide remains difficult given its generally low base rate. I will present data showing that both adult men and preadolescent girls with ADHD are especially vulnerable to suicidal behaviors when they encounter certain adversities in life, including financial distress and physical/sexual abuse, respectively. These data hold considerable promise toward identifying who should receive targeted prevention programs in these very different high-risk groups.
For anyone who wants to read one or more papers before the event:
- Beauchaine TP, Ben-David I, Bos, M (in press). ADHD, financial distress, and suicide in adulthood: A population study. Science Advances. (although open access, please do not post; the online version isn’t published yet)
- Beauchaine TP, Hinshaw SP, Bridge JA (2019). Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behaviors in girls: The case for targeted prevention in preadolescence. Clin Psych Sci, 7, 643-67.
- Beauchaine TP, Sauder CL, Derbidge CM, Uyeji, LL (2019). Self-injuring adolescent girls exhibit insular cortex volumetric abnormalities that are similar to those observed in adults with borderline personality disorder. Dev Psychopathol, 31, 1203-12.

Ted Beauchaine
Dr. Beauchaine earned his undergraduate degree in psychology from Portland State University, and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology, with a quantitative minor, from Stony Brook University. He completed his clinical internship at the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine. He is past recipient of both the American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contributions to Psychology and the American Psychological Association Mid-Career Award for Outstanding Contributions to Benefit Children, Youth, and Families. He has served on numerous editorial boards, and as Associate Editor for Development and Psychopathology and Psychophysiology. He served on the National Institute of Mental Health National Advisory Council Workgroup on Tasks and Measures for the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC), and is a member of the National Institute of Mental Health Science of Behavior Change (SoBC) Research Network. His research addresses neural underpinnings of and development of behavioral impulsivity, emotion dysregulation, and intentional self-injury in children, adolescents, and adults.
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