2023 Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC)

Friday March 31, 2023 - Saturday April 1, 2023
4:15 PM - 7:00 PM

As a long-standing tradition of UBC Psychology’s undergraduate community, the Psychology Students’ Association of UBC (PSA), UBC Psi Chi, and UBC Psychology are proud to announce the 25th Annual UBC Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) will be held  on March 31 and April 1, 2023.

PURC’s mission is to provide a professional environment for undergraduate researchers to showcase their work, gain experience in presenting at conferences, and contribute to the scientific community. All undergraduate researchers who have spearheaded any form of psychology research during the 2021-2022 academic year are encouraged to apply to present at this conference. This opportunity is not only an invaluable opportunity for the presenter to exhibit their research, but is also crucial in making this event a truly enriching experience.

The event will include a special keynote speaker, showcase of undergraduate students’ research, professors, UBC community, and refreshments to keep the energy going.

The poster presentations will take place in the main atrium and the oral presentations in ESB 1012.