Title: The Processing of Cartoony and Photorealistic Faces Committee: Alan Kingstone (Supervisor) Rebecca Todd Toni Schmader
Title: The Role of Mental Imagery in Spontaneous Thoughts of the Past and Future Committee: Lawrence Ward (Chair) Kalina Christoff Rebecca Todd
Psychology graduate students and faculty are invited to attend a workshop on adjudicating fellowships in our department.
The Cognitive Processes Involved in Prospective Memory Task Execution: Response Switching from an Ongoing Activity to a Planned Task
Measurement of Mind Wandering in Natural and Unnatural Settings
Young Children’s Social and Moral Evaluations of Third-Party Helpers and Hinderers
The Cognitive Foundations and Prosocial Consequences of Belief in Karma and Gods.
Each year the Department of Psychology invites prospective graduate students to visit UBC’s Vancouver campus.
Psychfest is an annual event during which second-year psychology MA and PhD students present their research to the entire department.
Each year, prospective graduate students are invited to learn more about our graduate program, research areas, and people.