Title: We Cope Together: Predictors and Consequences of Social Support Mobilization Committee: Anita DeLongis (Research Supervisor) Christiane Hoppmann Victoria Savalei
Title: The Neurobiologial Bases of Infants’ Sensitivity to Sociomoral Scenarios Committee: Kiley Hamlin (Research Supervisor) Janet Werker Alan Kingstone
Each year the Department of Psychology invites prospective graduate students to visit UBC’s Vancouver campus. During our recruitment event, students are given an overview of the UBC Psychology graduate program and our research areas. Additionally, individual meetings are scheduled for students to meet with faculty members and prospective supervisors who share their research interests. Students […]
Title: Young Children’s Social and Moral Evaluations of Third-party Helpers and Hinderers Committee: Kiley Hamlin (Research Supervisor) Andy Baron Ara Norenzayan
Changing the Games: Profiling Immersive Slot Machine Features and Optimizing On-Screen Messages to Address Gambling Harm
Following tradition, Psychfest is an annual event where second-year UBC Psychology MA students and new PhD students present their research to the entire department.
Title: Reasoning about the Supernatural: A Cross-Cultural Examination of How and When Intuitions Shape Belief Committee: Ara Norenzayan (Supervisor) Susan Birch Kristin Laurin
Title: We Cope Together: Predictors and Consequences of Social Support Mobilization Committee: Anita DeLongis (Supervisor) Christiane Hoppmann Victoria Savalei Frances Chen
Title: Loneliness and the Parasympathetic Nervous System: The Relationship between Trait Loneliness, State Loneliness, and High-Frequency Heart Rate Variability. Committee: Anita DeLongis (Chair) Frances Chen Nancy Sin
Title: The Relationship of Suicide Attempts and Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Mediating Role for Suicide Capability? Committee: Paul Hewitt (Chair) David Klonsky Ingrid Sochting