Discussion: Academics Concerned about Academic Travel

Tuesday November 29, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Are you concerned about the carbon footprint of academic travel? Dr. Lauren Emberson and Dr. Rebecca Todd invite you to join Academics Concerned about Academic Travel (A_CAT).

Join them for the first  A_CAT gathering the afternoon of November 29 to talk about the carbon footprint of academic travel and then, for those who wish, carry on the discussion at a pub.

Message from Drs. Emberson and Todd:

As academics (faculty, postdocs, graduate students, research staff), many of us are deeply concerned about the climate crisis. Yet, we are in a field that often requires a large amount of air travel (e.g., to conferences, for our research). This air travel is a substantial source of carbon emissions (business travel like academic conferences is the equivalent of the entire carbon footprint of the US!). The environmental impact of travel at UBC is more than the physical university. However, reducing our travel is very hard for many reasons! If any of this resonates with you, please consider chatting with us.

We’re a brand new group of Academics Concerned about Academic Travel (A_CAT meow!). We are getting together to share our concerns, experiences and will start to figure out how we can move our academic community towards a more sustainable model.

We’re having our first meeting (hybrid: Tuesday Nov 29th at 4pm in Kenny 2101 followed by an informal gathering on a heated patio on campus). Please email emberson@psych.ubc.ca for more info or to join the meeting virtually.