Veronica Dudarev
Research Area
Veronica Dudarev is a postdoctoral research fellow in Dr. James Enns’ lab where she studies how high-level unconscious processes support our social cognition and our ability to understand each other and act together to make changes in the world. She began her studies at the Moscow State University and early on was involved in research projects and participated in student conferences. After graduating in 2005, she began a PhD program at the Hebrew University and researched the way episodic memory affects the emergence of our conscious experience, under the supervision of Ran Hassin and Daphna Shohamy.
Research interests include social cognition, cognitive control and executive functions, and high-level unconscious processes and emergence of conscious experience.
Dudarev, V., Hassin, R.R. (2016). Social task switching: On the automatic social engagement of executive functions. Cognition, 146, 223–228.
Aviezer, H., Hassin, R. R., Perry, A., Dudarev, V., & Bentin, S. (2012). The right place at the right time: priming facial expressions with emotional face components in developmental visual agnosia. Neuropsychologia, 50(5), 949-57.
Aviezer, H., Bentin, S., Dudareva, V., & Hassin, R. R. (2011). Automaticity In contextualized emotion perception. Emotion, 11(6), 1406-1414.
Hassin, R. R., Ferguson, M. J., Kardosh, R., Porter, S. C., Carter, T. J., Dudareva, V. (2009). Precis of implicit nationalism.Invited paper in the Annals of the New York academy of sciences. 1167, 135-145.
- Halbert Centre for Canadian Study postdoctoral fellowship( 2018-2019)
- Hebrew University Postdoctoral Scholarship for outstanding female PhD students (2018-2019)
- Azrieli Fellowship (2015-2018)
- President’s scholarship of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2012-2016)
- Scholarship from the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption of Israel (2011-2014)