Please join us in congratulating UBC Psychology alumnus Daniel Nelson Jones, who was awarded the 2019 Western Early Career Research Award. This award recognizes Jones’ outstanding accomplishments as a scholar in the first 10 years of his career.
Dr. Jones received his PhD in personality/social psychology in 2011. His supervisor was UBC Psychology Professor Dr. Delroy Paulhus. Jones and Paulhus have collaborated on a number of research projects related to the personality traits coined as the Dark Triad. More recently, they published a paper ‘Duplicity among the dark triad: Three faces of deceit‘ in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Dr. Jones is an interdisciplinary scholar who has conducted psychological research in clinical, social, evolutionary, personality, legal, and industrial/organizational settings. His most recognized work focuses on personality traits known as the Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism). In this domain, Daniel’s primary focus has been on the causes, correlates, and effects of dark personalities. Currently, Jones serves as an Assistant Professor of Management and Social Psychology at the University of Nevada Reno.