Sloan Research Fellowships: September 15, 2014

The Sloan Research Fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.  These two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.  The Sloan Research Fellows represent the next generation of top scholars in the sciences, economics, and mathematics. While Fellows are expected to be at an early stage of their research careers, there should be strong evidence of independent research accomplishments. Eligible fields are Chemistry, Computational and Evolutionary Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Ocean Sciences and Physics.  Candidates must be nominated by a department head or other senior researcher. More than one candidate from a department may be nominated, but no more than three. More
Research Area(s):  Health & Life Sciences, Physical, Natural & Engineering Sciences, Social Sciences.
Value: USD $50,000