4-month-old Nemo (L) and 10-month-old Nemo (R)
Meet Nemo, the adorable, furry kitten who loves to surprise humans by walking on her hind legs.
Nemo is the 10 month old silver-haired tabby of Dr. Steven Barnes. While he is the Associate Professor of Teaching and the Director of the Neuroscience program at UBC, at home he is the parent of the goofy Nemo, who likes to walk on her hind legs. Although cats have a keen sense of smell, that doesn’t stop “The Child” – as she is lovingly known – from smelling and licking people’s toes, even if they have their socks on!
Every morning, Nemo wakes up her humans by licking their toes. If not your alarm, you can bet that this weird, tickling sensation will wake you right up.
We cannot wait to see what this furball gets up to next.