THE CANADA GAIRDNER GLOBAL HEALTH AWARDS: This award is given to an individual scientist who has made “major scientific advances in any one the four areas of basic science, clinical science, or population or environmental health that have or have the potential to make a significant impact on health outcomes in the developing world”Nominations for leadership and administration, however outstanding, do not fall within the parameters of this award. The award is directed towards a single recipient and cannot be shared.
Value: CAD $100,000.
CANADA GAIRDNER INTERNATIONAL AWARDS: This award recognizes outstanding biomedical scientists who have made original contributions to medicine with the goal of contributing through research to increased understanding of human biology and disease. The award recognizes an original, seminal contribution or discovery rather than a lifetime of work. Gairdner invites the scientific community to nominate qualified scientists from any branch of biomedicine. Nominees should be individuals whose “seminal discoveries and major scientific contributions constitute an original and significant achievement in biomedical science.” Nominations in the field of translational research are welcome.
Value: CAD $100,000.
CANADA GAIRDNER WIGHTMAN AWARD is presented to a scientist who has demonstrated outstanding national leadership in medicine and medical science in Canada consistent with the purpose of Gairdner. This award is given for: 1) leadership in a specific field of biomedical sciences (basic, clinical, population health) in Canada and/or original and sustained contributions to that field at an internationally recognized level. 2) institutional academic and scientific leadership in Canada leading to the establishment and development of biomedical research in Canada and internationally.
Value: CAD $100,000.