The Canada Foundation for Innovation has released a draft of its Cyberinfrastructure Initiative. The final call for proposals is expected to be released by CFI by January 20th and the total funds available are $50M. CFI has divided the initiative into two different challenges. The first of these challenges will be of interest to many Canadian researchers, and is outlined by CFI as follows:
1) “The first is CFI’s challenge to institutions and researchers to form consortia and propose research data infrastructure projects that create tailored, shared and integrated data resources (e.g databases and data repositories) capable of enabling leading-edge research on significant scientific, social and economic questions. Consortia will design and construct research infrastructure projects that are required by a community of researchers to advance their research programs.”
The primary focus of this challenge is to transform or configure existing data in ways that make it more accessible to researchers for different types of analyses. Software development, the development of new analysis techniques, and the development of new algorithms are eligible.
Fore more information visit: CFI Cyber Infrastructure Initiative
UBC Internal Process
Given the highly competitive nature of this call for proposals, the Office of the Vice President, Research & International is asking all researchers and research groups planning to pursue funding through this initiative to submit an expression of interest internally to our Advanced Research Computing Advisory Committee by January 19, 2015 . Please include the following information: project title, proposed membership of the consortium, a one to two paragraph summary (200-400 words) describing the proposed research infrastructure project, the estimated total project cost and the amount of funding that will be requested from the CFI. These EOIs will enable the implementation of a coordinated internal process to support further EOI, NOI and full proposal development. Please submit your EOI and / or any further questions you have to both the Institutional Programs Office at and Deborah Watt at .
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