PhD Dissertation Oral Examination: Sanjay Michael Muthukrishna | Social/Personality 17 July 2015 4:00 pm Venue: Room 200 - Graduate Student Centre Tags: PhD Dissertation Oral Examination Title: The Cultural Brain Hypothesis and the Transmission and Evolution of Culture Committee: Joseph Henrich (Supervisor) Mark Schaller Susan Birch
PhD Dissertation Oral Examination: Lillian May | Developmental 30 November 2015 4:00 pm Venue: Room 200 - Graduate Student Centre Tags: PhD Dissertation Oral Examination Title: Language as a Special Signal: Infants’ Neurological and Social Perception of Native Language, Non-Native Language, and Language-Like Stimuli Committee: Janet Werker Geoff Hall
PhD Dissertation Oral Examination: Lia Kendall 01 August 2019 12:30 pm Venue: Room 200 - Graduate Student Centre Categories: Featured Graduate, Featured News and Events Title: The Processing of Cartoony and Photorealistic Faces Committee: Alan Kingstone (Supervisor) Rebecca Todd Toni Schmader