Title: The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Self-Relevance on Attention for Objects Committee: Todd Handy (Research Supervisor) Rebecca Todd Sheila Woody Stan Floresco A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Social Anxiety and Empathy for Social Pain Committee: Lynn Alden (Research Supervisor) Frances Chen Toni Schmader A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Contextual and Temporal Variability in Large-Scale Functional Network Interactions Underlying Attention Committee: Kalina Christoff (Research Supervisor) Rebecca Todd Todd Handy A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Timing Everyday Tasks and Events Committee: Peter Graf (Research Supervisor) Jim Enns Erich Eich Lawrence Ward A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Neurobiological and Behavioural Effects of Chronic Administration of the D2/3 Agonist Ropinirole in Relation to Latrogenic Gambling Disorder Committee: Catharine Winstanley (Research Supervisor) Lawrence Ward A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: When Saving Seems Like the Right Choice: The Role of Utility and Space in Hoarding Disorder Committee: Sheila Woody (Research Supervisor) David Klonsky Lynn Alden A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Alone but Not Lonely? Distinct Types, Antecedents, and Correlates of Older and Younger Adults’ Daily Life Solitude Experiences in Two Cultural Contexts Committee: Christiane Hoppmann (Supervisor) Anita DeLongis Peter Graf A copy of the dissertation is available upon request from the Graduate Program Assistant.
Title: Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Motion Perception in Typical Development and Amblyopia Committee: Deborah Giaschi (Supervisor) Todd Handy James Enns
Title: The Psychology of Everyday Sadism Committee: Del Paulhus (Supervisor) Mark Schaller Anita DeLongis
Title: Self-Presentation in Group therapy: Interpersonal Behaviours and Therapeutic Process Factors Committee: Paul Hewitt (Supervisor) Lynn Alden Jeremy Biesanz