Title: Impulsivity: A Link Between Bipolar and Alcohol Use Disorders Examining Committee: Chair: Anita Hubley (Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology) Supervisory Committee: Colleen Brenner, Research Supervisor (Psychology) Wolfgang Linden (Psychology) University Examiners: Dr. Catharine Winstanley (Psychology) Dr. Erin Michalak (Psychiatry)
Title: “The “Good Dyad”: Examining the impact of personality and behaviour on dyadic accuracy in first impressions of personality” Committee: Chair: Dr. Matthew Bedke (Philosophy) Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jeremy C. Biesanz, Research Supervisor (Psychology) Dr. Anita DeLongis (Psychology) Dr. Toni Schmader (Psychology) University Examiners: Dr. Delroy Paulhus (Psychology) Dr. Gerry Veenstra (Sociology) External Examiner: Dr. Marc […]
Title: Binge Eating and Drinking in Young Women: Personality Correlates and Psychophysiological Indices of Emotion Processing Committee: Colleen Brenner (Supervisor) Sheila Woody
Title: Digitally Connected, Socially Disconnected: Can Smartphones Compromise the Benefits of Interacting with Others? Committee: Elizabeth Dunn (Supervisor) Toni Schmader Jiaying Zhao
Title: The Cultural Brain Hypothesis and the Transmission and Evolution of Culture Committee: Joseph Henrich (Supervisor) Mark Schaller Susan Birch
Title: Examining the Existence and Moderators of the Positive Illusory Bias in Boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Committee: Charlotte Johnston (Research Supervisor) Amori Mikami
Examining the Deployment of Overt and Covert Attention to Social Stimuli in Naturalistic and Laboratory Environments Committee: Alan Kingstone (Supervisor) Frances Chen Rebecca Todd
Title: Language as a Special Signal: Infants’ Neurological and Social Perception of Native Language, Non-Native Language, and Language-Like Stimuli Committee: Janet Werker Geoff Hall
Title: Foundations of Cultural Learning Committee: Kiley Hamlin Andrew Baron
Perfectionism and the Cognitive and Affective Experience of Social Exclusion Committee: Paul Hewitt David Klonsky Mark Schaller