Wonder Kids | Saturday Series with Dr. Janet Werker

Saturday January 23, 2021
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Wonder Kids is a series of virtual talks on the fascinating world of child development, hosted each month through June 2021.

Led by the Directors of UBC’s Early Development Research Group – some of the world’s leading developmental psychologists – we invite you to join the conversation on language, learning and social development!


Dr. Janet F. Werker, University Killam Professor & Canada Research Chair


Bilingual Babies


While most research to date has focused on babies growing up with only a single language, around the world – and especially in Vancouver – many babies grow up with two or more languages spoken in the home. In this talk. Dr. Werker will share what we’ve learned about the simultaneous acquisition of two languages, the remarkable ways children keep their languages separate while acquiring each – starting early in infancy –  and address some of the myths and concerns people have about bilingual learning.


Missed this talk? Watch a recording of the lecture below: