Psychology Land Acknowledgement Workshop: two-part series

Tuesday November 1, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

sʔi:ɬqəy̓ qeqən (Double-Headed Serpent Post), Brent Sparrow, Musqueam

Image: sʔi:ɬqəy̓ qeqən (Double-Headed Serpent Post), Brent Sparrow, Musqueam. Credit: Paul H. Joseph / UBC Brand & Marketing.

Meaningfully incorporating land acknowledgements into our professional lives is a key part of Truth and Reconciliation.

Have you ever wondered why thanking Indigenous nations for being on their land helps? Or how one can meaningfully incorporate acknowledgement without risking making “a mistake”? Do you want to make your land acknowledgements more personal and meaningful but don’t know how?

If you have any one of these questions, there is a part of this EDI Dialogue and Learning series for you!

The first session (Thursday, October 27) will be focused on the “why” of land acknowledgements. You will learn more about how land acknowledgements connect to Indigenous protocol and culture and how they are connected to Truth and Reconciliation and EDI.

The second session (Tuesday, November 1) will provide attendees with a supported process to generate their own, personal land acknowledgements through an interactive workshop and group conversations. Come to one or both sessions depending on your goals.

Come to one or both sessions depending on your goals. Please note these sessions are for psychology department members.


Land Acknowledgement Resources at UBC