UBC Psychology faculty receive new NSERC grants

UBC Psychology NSERC Award Recipients
Six UBC Psychology professors involved in research ranging from understanding our lifespan memory development; to components of human selective attention are receiving new funding through the Discovery Grants program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Peter Graf (Discovery grant)
Prospective memory across the adult lifespan

Todd Handy (Discovery grant)
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Selective Attention in Dynamic Behavioral and Psychological Contexts

Catherine Rankin (Research Tools and Instruments grant)
Large Field of View, High Resolution Multi Worm Tracker

Rebecca Todd (Discovery grant)
Spatial and Temporal Mechanisms of Affect-Biased Attention

Kiran Soma (Discovery grant)
Glucocorticoids and development of the immune system

Jiaying Zhao (Discovery grant)
Attentional control driven by statistical learningThis support is in addition to these faculty members who have received ongoing NSERC  funding: Colleen Brenner, Kalina Christoff, James Enns, Stan Floresco, Liisa Galea, Kiley Hamlin, Alan Kingstone, Ronald Rensink, Jason Snyder, Lawrence Ward, Janet Werker, Catharine Winstanley.

Also these UBC Psychology graduate students are receiving support via the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral (PGSD), the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGSD) and the Postdoctoral Fellowships (PDF):

  • Allison Brennan (PGSD)
  • Alessandra DiGiacomo (PDF)
  • Mason Silveira (CGSD)

For more information: Government of Canada supports over 3,500 science and engineering researchers, students in Canada