Dr. Friedrich Götz receives SAGE Emerging Scholar Award

The award recognizes “outstanding achievements by early-career PhD scholars in social and personality psychology.”

Dr. Friedrich Götz, an assistant professor in UBC’s department of psychology, is the recipient of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) SAGE Emerging Scholar Award. This award recognizes outstanding achievements by early-career PhD scholars in social and personality psychology, including contributions to teaching, research, or service to the field.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Götz on this recognition.

Dr. Götz said this about receiving the award,

“I know this is an early career award, but it stills feel a little bit like coming full circle to me. I vividly remember my first SPSP in 2018. Atlanta. I had just finished my Master’s and this was my first big conference. It was all so overwhelming and exciting: spotting my heroines and heroes from afar, working up the courage to approach them after a symposium, hanging out with my fellow grad students friends, cheering each other on as we presented our first talks, sneaking off to an NBA game, buying cheap beers from the liquor store, getting too-little sleep in a crowded Airbnb, and dreaming of the big stage one day. This was a formative experience in my academic journey and one that I recall with great fondness. Fast forward 6.5 years and it’s the same people that I look forward to seeing at SPSP (and a bunch more that have become part of my academic family since then) – the same people without whom there would be no early career award for me to speak of.”

“So here is a big thank you to my academic family and also: here's to many more SPSPs.”
Assistant Professor, UBC Psychology

Dr. Götz is a personality researcher. In his research, Dr Götz pursues an interdisciplinary Big Data approach to study the causes and consequences of regional personality differences.