Are you a current UBC Psychology graduate student or postdoctoral researcher? Mentor undergraduate students!

Our Diversity Mentorship Program offers mentorship and professional development support for students from diverse, under-resourced, traditionally underrepresented, and/or marginalized backgrounds who are interested in pursuing research-oriented graduate study in psychology. The mentees are advanced undergraduates or recent graduates from around the world.

I think the most rewarding part for me is being able to help people who share similar (or different) backgrounds with me, and help them achieve what they want to achieve. I wish I had a mentor when I was applying to grad schools.

Diversity Mentorship Program

“Creating connections with prospective graduate students is wonderful. Rarely do I feel like I have an opportunity to connect with people who share similar identities to me, and doing so in a way where I can support them feels meaningful.”

“It's been really nice for me to provide someone with some of the knowledge and advice I wish I had when applying to grad school”.

“I think the most rewarding part for me is being able to help people who share similar (or different) backgrounds with me, and help them achieve what they want to achieve. I wish I had a mentor when I was applying to grad schools.”

“I liked being able to help students that weren't necessarily from UBC. I worked with students with very different paths to grad school than I took, some had degrees in different fields or were educated in other countries. Helping them find their strengths and showcase them in their applications was incredibly rewarding.”

“iI was very fulfilling for me to have the opportunity to formally support others from around the world in this structured program.”

“I really loved getting to give back to the next generation of psychology grad students.”

We have made changes to the program this year based on feedback from past mentors & mentees!

This academic year we will continue to offer a two-track system for mentors. Mentees may choose to be involved in one or both tracks. 

  • Matched: This track is intended for mentors interested in providing individualized guidance to a mentee(s) one-on-one, such as providing feedback on graduate application materials or advice on getting involved in research labs. At the start of the program, the organizing committee will match mentors interested in one-on-one mentorship with a mentee. Mentors will be expected to meet with their mentees a minimum of three times throughout the academic year.
  • Unmatched: Over the academic year, the program will host hybrid (with the option to participate online or in person) professional development workshops on topics related to academia, such as the graduate school application process. The unmatched track is intended for mentors interested in facilitating small-group activities following professional development workshops on topics related to graduate school and academia. Mentors will also host a one to three office hours for unmatched mentees spread across the academic year, during which unmatched mentees can come to discuss topics such as psychology graduate studies, workshop content, and diversity in academia.

Those only interested in the unmatched track will not be assigned a one-on-one mentee.

Involvement and time commitment

Time commitments listed are for the 2024-2025 academic year

  • One-on-one mentoring (about 10 hours): Mentors who opt to participate in the matched-track will provide one-on-one mentoring to 1-2 mentees. The program will match mentees interested in one-on-one mentorship with matched-track mentors. We will have a private webpage (accessible to program participants only) with profiles of the mentors and mentees may choose to request a specific mentor based on similar interests/backgrounds.
  • Small group facilitation (~1 hour per workshop): Mentors who opt to participate in the unmatched-track will facilitate small-group sessions following workshops/panels hosted by the program. All workshops/panels will be offered in hybrid format, and small group facilitation will take place virtually (break out rooms) or in-person (Kenny building). Four workshops will be held throughout the academic year and unmatched-track mentors may choose the workshops they facilitate based on their interests and expertise.
  • Equity & Mentorship Training (2 hours): Mentors will learn about barriers to education faced by scholars from diverse backgrounds, racial bias and microaggressions within academia, and evidence-based approaches for supporting students. New and returning mentors are required to attend training.
  • Mentored mentorship (~1 hour): Mentors will have access to optional office hours hosted by a faculty member on the Diversity Mentorship Committee. These office hours are designed to provide support or answer questions that come up while mentoring students, and to provide guidance on best-practices in mentorship.
  • Workshop Presentation(s) (attendance optional): Mentors are welcome to lead one of the hybrid workshops offered to mentees by the program. Workshop topics should be related to psychology, graduate school, or equity, diversity, and including in academia, but mentors are encouraged to recommend topics based on their expertise/experience. The organizing committee will support mentors interested in leading a workshop in administration and organization of the event.

The time commitment over the academic year by track is estimated to be:

  • Matched-track only: ~12 hours
  • Unmatched-track only: ~5-8 hours
  • Both tracks: ~15-20 hours

Benefit of being a mentor

  • You will gain experience in mentoring students from diverse backgrounds, while having training and support from a faculty member. This experience can be personally rewarding for you and the mentees. It will also be valuable for your career (e.g., for job applications, working with diverse teams in the future).
  • Mentors will receive an honorarium for their participation in the program.


At this time, we are only accepting mentor applications from current graduate students and postdoctoral fellows affiliated with the Department of Psychology at UBC.

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