Jill Dosso receives UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Jill Dosso has been recognized for her exceptional contributions to teaching and learning, earning a 2019-20 UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.

“I am thrilled to receive this award! I feel especially honoured to have had the chance to work with the two incredible Psychology instructors who nominated me: Dr. Steven Barnes and Dr. Parker Holman. I have learned so much in working with them. I have been inspired by the Psychology students at UBC -- they have been coping with intense challenges, this semester in particular, and their continued enthusiasm for the discipline motivates me. Being able to critically interpret research has never been more relevant to our everyday lives, so I am happy if I can be a part of students’ journey in building that skill.”
PhD student, Neuroscience

The award honours UBC Teaching Assistants who have demonstrated skills, abilities and contributions that result in a high level of respect from undergraduate students and academic supervisors.

Please join us in congratulating Jill on this recognition!


Jill Dosso is a PhD student in Neuroscience in Dr. Alan Kingstone’s Brain, Attention, and Reality (BAR) lab. She studies how people attend to and interact with objects as part of real-world, real-time social encounters. She is especially interested in situations when someone might attend to one location while pretending to attend somewhere else: a behaviour that challenges some of our traditional assumptions about human attention.