Photo: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
Professor Emeritus Michael Chandler has been recognized by the American Psychological Association (APA) with an award to acknowledge Dr. Chandler’s longstanding commitment to mentoring students and early career scientists over his career.
Dr. Chandler, a developmental psychologist, is the recipient of the 2017 Mentor Award from Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) of the APA.
The Mentor Award honours individuals who have contributed to developmental psychology through the education and training of the next generation of research leaders in developmental psychology. It recognizes individuals who have had substantial impact on the field of developmental psychology by their mentoring of young scholars.
“Please join me in congratulating our own Professor Emeritus Michael Chandler on receiving the 2017 Mentor Award,” says Geoff Hall, professor and head, department of psychology at UBC. “The award is a fitting recognition of the outstanding mentorship that Michael has provided to so many students – most from this department – over the course of his long and distinguished career.”
Dr. Michael Chandler’s research interests include social-cognitive development in general, and, more particularly, the cross-cultural study of processes of identity formation and their impact on the health and wellbeing on Indigenous youth. This ongoing program of research explores the role that culture plays in shaping young people’s emerging sense of ownership of their personal and cultural past, and their commitment to their own and their community’s future prospects. In a long series of published research findings his work has made it clear that young persons who lose a sense of their own personal and cultural ‘continuity’ (or place in time) are at special risk to suicide and a host of other negative outcomes, including high accident and school dropout rates.