Hosted by the Women’s Health Research Cluster
Dr. Pablo Nepomnaschy, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
Stress, Reproduction and Beyond
Hosted by the Women’s Health Research Cluster, The Women’s Health Seminar Series will feature multidisciplinary research on women’s health. The goal of the series is to provide multidisciplinary training and mentorship for trainees, across a broad range of women’s health research topics. Speakers will present their research regarding the biological, psychological, behavioural, economic and social factors in women’s health and their effects on women’s health outcomes. Each seminar will feature 45 minutes talks followed by an interactive question and answer period.
The series is open to all, interested faculty, clinicians, staff, and trainees.
All the seminars will be held Online on Mondays from 12:00pm – 1:00pm (PST). Unless otherwise indicated. Meeting details will be sent out to registrants before the event. When registering for a seminar, please ensure to use the same name as the one you use on Zoom. For security reasons, we will only admit indivdiuals that are on our registration list into the meeting.
Note: Attendees who attend at least 90% of our seminars will be awarded a Certificate of completion at the end of the series. Attendance is taken during the event, so please log into the meeting with your full name.
Register on the the Women’s Health Research Cluster website.