Colloquium on Cannabis and Joints: The Promise of Cannabinoids to Treat Arthritis

Tuesday May 15, 2018
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM

Photo credit: Wendy McCormick 

Dr. Jason McDougall
Professor Department of Pharmacology; Department of Anesthesia, Pain Management & Perioperative Medicine; Dalhousie University

Cannabis and Joints: The Promise of Cannabinoids to Treat Arthritis

The majority of patients who are prescribed medical cannabis use the drug for the treatment of a musculoskeletal condition such as arthritis or low back pain. Despite a significant body of anecdotal evidence purporting the benefits of medical cannabis in the treatment of these chronic diseases, the scientific evidence is relatively limited. We have recently identified an endocannabinoid system in joints including the articular expression of cannabinoid receptors and cannabinoid biosynthesis. This observation opens up an opportunity for us to modulate arthritis pain locally in the joint and avoid centrally-mediated side-effects. The main non-euphoric chemical found in cannabis is cannabidiol. By administering cannabidiol locally into the joint, we have found that this agent can reduce joint pain and attenuate inflammation in a preclinical model of osteoarthritis. Prophylactic treatment of these arthritic animals with cannabidiol reduced the later development of pain as well as protected the joint from neuronal damage. Thus, cannabidiol shows great promise in the management of joint pain and inflammation as well as preventing the development of peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic pain in osteoarthritic patients.

Prof. McDougall’s research focuses on the neurobiology of pain and inflammation in the development of arthritis. His research is currently examining the role of cannabinoids and proteinases in the control of arthritis pain and inflammation. His research goal is to identify novel drug targets and develop new treatments which will help alleviate chronic pain and resolve joint inflammation. He currently receives project funding from CIHR and The Arthritis Society of Canada. Prof. McDougall is an editor for Inflammation Research, Journal of Inflammation, and BMC Anaesthesiology as well as the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee at the Arthritis Society. He has also won numerous awards for his home brewed beers which have been commercially produced.

The Colloquium will be followed by a reception from 2:30 – 4:30 pm in the VIP Room at the University Centre, 6331 Crescent Road. Please RSVP for the reception by May 7 to Stacey Herzer at

This event is jointly sponsored by the British Columbia Pain Research Network and the Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, UBC